We did this great photo mission together with the amazing EyeEm community. The results?
- about 8.000 pictures handed in
- over 2.000 photographers from all around the world took part
- a week of excitement and cheerfulness when spotting new cool shots
Of all these contributions we had to pick. It was really hard – but after long discussions, instant love declarations and serious fighting we agreed on the 24 pics of the final selection. These pictures
- were exhibited on Saturday the 20th of June in Berlin
- will get published in our newest publication called Capturing Movement
And then, out of these 24 outstanding images we had three prizes to award. There were three categories, and we are once again delighted to announce that
- Eric Youn (US) won the Best Picture category
- Constantin Schiller (Germany) won the Best Metaphor category
- Rachel Chua (Phillipines) won the Public Choice category, which was given out by the audience, both online via facebook and offline at the Capturing movement exhibition
The winners won their very own copy of the scroll Capturing Movement and will be the first to hold it in their hands when it is all set and published. Congratulations!! It will be a beautiful book and we are really happy to have had the opportunity to cooperate with EyeEm and their great community.